Issue #12

DSE 3.0 early bird registration has started!, part 3 of Storytelling series & much more.

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Welcome to the twelveth issue of Chronicles, your passport to the world of social impact, innovation & entrepreneurship.

In this fortnight’s rundown:
🧠 Storytelling- Part 3
💬 Sustainable Construction Materials
👇️ Angirus
🆕 Vive la révolution: Stay Tuned!


Story Structure & Mediums

Puzzle Solve GIF by Pudgy Penguins

Gif by pudgypenguins on Giphy

🔑 Our previous articles in this series introduced us to Storytelling & Crafting Narrative. Let's focus on the next piece in the jigsaw puzzle: Structure & Medium of Story Telling.

🕵️‍♀️ Achieving It

  •  Story Arc: The structure of a compelling story includes a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning introduces the context and characters, the middle presents the conflict or challenge, and the end offers resolution and impact. This arc keeps your audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

  • Choosing the Right Medium: Select the best medium for your story—whether written, visual, audio, or digital. Each medium has its strengths: written stories can be detailed, visual stories are immediate, audio stories are personal, and digital stories can be interactive.

  • Platform Optimization: Tailor your narrative for the platform you choose. Social media, blogs, podcasts, and videos each require different approaches to maximize engagement and effectiveness.

👌 Why It's Crucial?: A well-structured story shared through the right medium, captures attention and drives home your message effectively. By carefully crafting your story arc and choosing the appropriate platforms, you can ensure your narrative resonates deeply with your audience.

Stay tuned for our next issue, where we will delve into visual storytelling techniques and audience engagement strategies.

Facts & Figures

🔎 According to recent reports, investors are slowly moving away from ESG-based ranking & funding due to the perceived flaws (such as lack of uniformity).
💰Applied Carbon Raises $21.5 Million to Deploy Biochar Technology.
📈 According to ForMomentum, over 90% of employees who work at companies with a strong sense of purpose say they’re more inspired, motivated and loyal.


Sustainable Buiding Materials: Building Blocks of a Better Future

This photo was shoot during a visit to the reconstruction of the Othon building in the center of São Paulo, where now it is going to be the Finance Secretary. It is a historic patrimony declared by the government, in which some special people stayed in, such as the british princess, a korean embassador and many other relevant people in the past years.

Gif by AllBetter on Giphy

🌍 What: Sustainable building materials are materials used for construction designed to reduce the environmental impact. Sustainable building materials include bamboo, recycled steel, rammed earth, reclaimed wood, and green insulation etc.

🌱 Why embrace it?:

1. Environmental Impact: The construction industry is a major contributor to global carbon emissions with the built environment accounting for 39% of gross annual carbon emissions. Using sustainable materials can significantly reduce these emissions & promote a healthier planet.

2. Resource Efficiency: Sustainable materials often come from renewable sources or are recycled, reducing the depletion of natural resources

3. Health Benefits: Many sustainable materials are non-toxic and improve indoor air quality, creating healthier living environments.

📊 Industry Insights: Since the net-zero emission goal set for 2050, many legacy & startup firms have begun offering green solutions to their clients. With an expected market value of $692 Billion in 2031, green construction will pick up pace to become a mainstay in construction.

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Angirus: Making Construction Sustainable, one brick by one.

🌱 Who: Angirus is an Indian startup based in Udaipur, Rajasthan, founded in 2020 by Kunjpreet Arora and Lokesh Puri Goswami. They aim to revolutionize the construction industry by turning waste into sustainable building materials.

🔬 What are their products & services?

WRICKS (Waste + Bricks): Angirus produces eco-friendly bricks made entirely from recycled construction and demolition (C&D) waste, single-use plastics, and other industrial wastes. According to their website, these bricks are designed to be 30-40% stronger, 30% lighter, and 70-80% more waterproof than traditional clay bricks. Their rapid production process allows them to be manufactured in just one day compared to the 14-16 days required for red clay bricks​

🏆 Success: Angirus has been recognized for its innovative approach to sustainable construction. They were one of the winners of the Asia-Pacific Housing Forum's Innovation Awards under the "Inspirational Practices" category. They are currently working on pilot projects across India and have secured pre-seed funding from CIIE and angel investors


Wait No More for It’s Nearer!

Wait no more as we have opened the early bird interest form for the third edition of Decoding Social Entrepreneurship.

Get an early bird discount for Decoding Social Entrepreneurship 3.0 by registering on the link - here
Exclusive for Chronicles subscribers

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